Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Tony Cartalucci

Tony Cartalucci claims to be

"a geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, Thailand. His work aims at covering world events from a Southeast Asian perspective as well as promoting self-sufficiency as one of the keys to true freedom."

His true identity is unknown. It is clear from his writings, however, that he supports Thailand's Globalist backed, nationalist, Yellow Shirt mob. This is made clear when he writes such things as former lobbyist for Thaksin, Kenneth Adelman is a member of ICG whilst omitting the fact that Surin Pitsuwan, a Yellow Shirt coup-maker is an adviser to ICG.

Who do you think has more influence in Thailand, a former adviser to Thailand's former Prime Minister or ASEAN's General Secretary and Executive Member of the currently ruling Democrat Party?

The articles below list Tony Cartalucci's omissions and put them into a broader context.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Video - Thai Land Destroyer


Land Destroyer Report, edited by Tony Cartalucci, has written on the Red Shirts in Thailand. He has been found guilty of fraud by omission in regards to this topic.

He deliberately omitted Thailand's Yellow Shirts (PAD), the IMF in Thailand and Thailand's military relationship with America.

This omission is evidence of willful misrepresentation and thus fraud.

Election News






Sunday, 1 May 2011

Coming Elections

The anti-election advocates [Yellow Shirts / PAD / Sondhi / Chamlong] seem to envision some kind of national government that would clean up Thai politics and restore order to the country. Visions of Nazi Germany and the "Burmese Way to Socialism" come to my mind.

With the present degree of political activism and political polarisation in Thai society, if these advocates have their way, the consequences to our country will be absolutely devastating.

We will be facing disturbances and civil war similar to what is happening in Libya, political genocide, isolation from the international community, economic and social disaster.


Members of the public of all political colours who support the democratic system (I'm sure this is the overwhelming majority) need to voice strong support for free and fair elections.

For the elections, we will need effective monitoring mechanisms. In this respect it is absolutely absurd to reject impartial international observers.

Instead, we need to request as much quality assistance as possible from the international community.