Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Tony Cartalucci

Tony Cartalucci claims to be

"a geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, Thailand. His work aims at covering world events from a Southeast Asian perspective as well as promoting self-sufficiency as one of the keys to true freedom."

His true identity is unknown. It is clear from his writings, however, that he supports Thailand's Globalist backed, nationalist, Yellow Shirt mob. This is made clear when he writes such things as former lobbyist for Thaksin, Kenneth Adelman is a member of ICG whilst omitting the fact that Surin Pitsuwan, a Yellow Shirt coup-maker is an adviser to ICG.

Who do you think has more influence in Thailand, a former adviser to Thailand's former Prime Minister or ASEAN's General Secretary and Executive Member of the currently ruling Democrat Party?

The articles below list Tony Cartalucci's omissions and put them into a broader context.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Video - Thai Land Destroyer


Land Destroyer Report, edited by Tony Cartalucci, has written on the Red Shirts in Thailand. He has been found guilty of fraud by omission in regards to this topic.

He deliberately omitted Thailand's Yellow Shirts (PAD), the IMF in Thailand and Thailand's military relationship with America.

This omission is evidence of willful misrepresentation and thus fraud.

Election News






Sunday, 1 May 2011

Coming Elections

The anti-election advocates [Yellow Shirts / PAD / Sondhi / Chamlong] seem to envision some kind of national government that would clean up Thai politics and restore order to the country. Visions of Nazi Germany and the "Burmese Way to Socialism" come to my mind.

With the present degree of political activism and political polarisation in Thai society, if these advocates have their way, the consequences to our country will be absolutely devastating.

We will be facing disturbances and civil war similar to what is happening in Libya, political genocide, isolation from the international community, economic and social disaster.


Members of the public of all political colours who support the democratic system (I'm sure this is the overwhelming majority) need to voice strong support for free and fair elections.

For the elections, we will need effective monitoring mechanisms. In this respect it is absolutely absurd to reject impartial international observers.

Instead, we need to request as much quality assistance as possible from the international community.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Help Disseminate the Truth


These sites, so far, refuse to publish anything that counters Tony Cartalucci's lopsided and biased writings on globalists in Thailand.

If you want to see a more balanced account of events in Thailand, contact the above listed sites and ask them to cover globalist links to the Yellows in Thailand and not just the Reds.


Yellow Shirt (PAD) activists have had their court case postponed for the 4th time in nearly 4yrs. As part of their 3rd U.S. backed coup against Thailand's elected government 6 people hijacked a bus with homemade bombs, guns, sharpened metal stakes and wooden clubs in 2008. Justice is yet to be served.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Today's Developments

Very worrying developments today:

* The battles with Cambodia are on going and expanding...

* The army staged another show of force to protect the monarchy and show support for army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha.

* 750 people called "Thai national development participants" from 14 northeastern provinces went to the army headquarters to present flowers to Gen Prayuth. These former communist insurgents, wearing pink shirts, were brought to Bangkok by the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc) in 14 buses. Before this, they went to Siriraj Hospital to sign a book to wish well His Majesty the King.

* A source said the Isoc, which has formed mass organisations with over 700,000 members throughout the country, plans to organise "masses in pink" to protect the monarchy. Another pink army to fight the redshirts?

* 6 Red Shirt radio stations have been completely shut-down today as of now. Many more are being raided countrywide. Red Shirts are also resisting in many locations.

There is a concern that another coup will take place to prevent a democratically elected government taking power in upcoming elections. To get up-to-date news on the increasingly overt intimidation from the Thai military along with the arrests they make and other events see 'We're Watching the Thai Military' on Facebook.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Thailand's Original Colour Revolution

Thailand's Original Colour Revolution

25th April 2011

Colour Revolutions started in the former Communist States of Europe. They were characterised by mass street protests and civil disobedience. Links were made between these movements and American foreign policy. The Guardian wrote;

“the campaign is an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and mass marketing that ...has been used to … topple unsavoury regimes.
Funded and organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and US non-government organisations, the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade in 2000 to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box.”
Some analysts have described this wave of revolutions, which has now spread throughout Arab States, as the fruition of plans to create a New World Order. Essentially an Anglo-American Empire that is battling against Russian and Chinese influence throughout the world in order to establish a single currency for the world, which is controlled by a global central bank and a one world government which dictates policy to regional trading blocs such as ASEAN.

Anglo-American reactions to recent revolts in the Arab world illustrate the selective nature of support and intervention. NATO is currently bombing Libyan citizens with depleted uranium and a new central bank has already been created. Bahrain has had it's leaders, who crushed dissenters, invited to the royal wedding. Geopolitical strategy can easily be deciphered from the reaction of the U.N and Western governments.

Anglo-American influence in Thailand

Much has been written on Thailand's supposedly Anglo-American backed Red Revolution. But, what of the Yellow Revolution which preceded the Red and continues to this day?

The Yellow Shirts or People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) had their foundations laid by Sondhi Kosaisuuk Limthongkul back in 2004. They were a coalition of military men, Thai aristocracy, state labour unions and right-wing political leaders including many politicians from the currently ruling Democrat Party led by an unelected Prime Minister. They were united against the democratically elected Thaksin Shinawatra and were instrumental in instigating the military coup in 2006. Their Yellow Revolution was also instrumental in removing two other elected leaders from power, Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat who combined served less than eleven months as Prime Minister. Both were ousted through judicial coups and violent street protests. The Yellow Shirts continue to threaten candidates who will run in Thailand's upcoming national elections. PAD and their offshoot, Thai Patriots Network (TPN), are also behind Thailand's current war with Cambodia in which they have called for the capture of Angkor Wat. They adopted yellow as it is symbolic of Thailand's King's who they claim to be fighting for.

Critics however have said the [PAD]'s name appears to be a misnomer as its opposition to the results of three elections show it is neither populist nor does it want representative democracy … the PAD advocate the scrapping of the one-man-one-vote system in Thailand and say only 30 per cent of parliament's members should be directly elected by the people. The remaining 70 per cent should be chosen from various occupations and professions and be appointed, they say ...the PAD hopes to "teach the politicians a lesson that just because they have the majority vote, doesn't mean they can do whatever they want". [They have] also argued for an expanded role for the military,”
Critics go further than to say that the PAD is a misnomer, they are commonly known as the People's Alliance for Dictatorship amongst opponents. They are a violent nationalist group that readily accuses opponents of committing Lese Majeste which could see victims imprisoned for decades. If a Thai version of the immensely popular British satire Spitting Image were ever created the prison sentence would last for centuries. That's if the producers, actors, audience and anyone else involved ever lived to make it to a court hearing.

There are many foreigners who openly support nationalism in Thailand for various reasons. George Orwell states;

Nationalism, “does not always attach itself to what is called a nation — that is, a single race or a geographical area. It can attach itself to a church or a class, or it may work in a merely negative sense, against something or other and without the need for any positive object of loyalty … [It is]the habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people can be confidently labelled ‘good’ or ‘bad ' … the habit of identifying oneself with a single … unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests. Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism ... Nationalism ... is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, ... for the ... unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality … its worst follies have been made possible by the breakdown of patriotism.”

Thai Nationalists, backed by foreign supporters, led three consecutive coups against elected leaders in less than three years. They have recently attacked Cambodia and Thai nationals over border demarcation disputes despite Thais living in the area staging rallies to voice their rejection of the nationalists.

Villagers from Ban Phum Srol staged a rally ... to denounce the [PAD/TPN] visit. “You have created the war. You troubled us. We don't welcome you," said Wichit Duangkaew, 46, yesterday of the PAD, attributing the latest skirmish between Thai and Cambodian soldiers to the yellow shirts' rally being held in Bangkok. "When Cambodian solders fired missiles and artillery pieces at us, were you [the PAD] with us?" Mr Wichit asked. The PAD-affiliated Thai Patriots Network decided early last month to call off a rally near the border with Cambodia in Sa Kaeo province after it ran into fierce opposition from villagers in Khok Sung district.”

Who are the PAD?

The PAD started mass street protests the length and breadth of Thailand in 2005. They were led by a central committee consisting of five people. Sondhi Limthongkul ,Major General Chamlong Srimuang ,Phiphob Thongchai, State enterprise labor union leader Somsak Kosaisuuk and Somkeit Pongpaibul.

Sondhi Limthongkul

Sondhi is a media mogul who currently runs Thailand's ASTV, whose major shareholder is New World Development Co. Ltd. He regularly did business with Thaksin and sold him a 17.5% stake in one of his companies allowing Thaksin to make between 600 and 700 million THB. He used his media outlets to promote Thaksin's political campaign. After Thaksin became Prime Minister in 2001, Sondhi continued his support, calling him "the best prime minister our country has ever had."

Sondhi then received more than one and a half billion THB from Viroj Nualkhair, chairman of Merrill Lynch Phatra Securities and turned against Thaksin denouncing him via his media empire before leading anti-Thaksin street protests in 2005. He produced and published various versions of 'The Finland Plot' which accused - without evidence - Thaksin of various things including wanting to establish a communist one party republic after deposing Thailand's royal family. Sondhi simultaneously adopted the slogan "We Fight for the King". The protests grew and culminated in the military coup of 2006 which dissolved Parliament and abrogated the constitution.

Major General Chamlong Srimuang

Major General Chamlong spent his early life being trained in American military schools both in Thailand and America. He fought for the Americans in Vietnam and throughout South East Asia. He later became a prominent member of the Young Turks, a secret military organisation that was instrumental in ferocious attacks on anti-American Thai demonstrators who were, in some cases, burned alive in public. General Prem was backed by his close friends in the Young Turks. Chamlong served as his secretary general after deposing General Kriangsak Chomanan.

He has been involved in every coup since he came of age in one way or another and shows no signs of changing this habit. This is despite becoming an extremist Buddhist, founder and leader of the Phalang Dharma Party and follower of the controversial Santi Asoke sect. He claims to be celibate, a vegetarian, to have no worldly possessions, eat one meal a day and abstain from using soap. Chamlong's highly political Santi Asoke sect aggressively encourages others to follow a similar regime, condemning farmers for not being frugal and regularly intercedes in public smoking and drinking which it is campaigning to ban.

Non-Committee Members

The continuing Yellow Revolution also receives massive support from prominent Thai leaders with globalist connections including;

Anand Panyarachun
Anand Panyarachun is a former Thai Prime Minister and a regular speaker at PAD rallies. He was also a member of the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board. He, however, remained on the board for three years more than Thaksin, who left in 2001. Anand only left when the board was disbanded in 2004. He supported the military coup which ousted Thaksin and was surprised that the international community condemned it. He has sat with George W. Bush at the Global Leadership Foundation. Advised GE and AIG. Is a member of the CFR, UNICEF. The list goes on and on.

Surin Pitsuwan
Surin Pitsuwan is another Yellow Revolutionary and a 2006 coup supporter. “This, in a nutshell, is former Thai foreign minister Surin Pitsuwan's analysis of recent political upheavals that plagued his country. Speaking at an 'Asian Voices' seminar in Brussels, Belgium, the director of Thailand's Democratic Party believed that democracy did not die in the coup led by army general Sonthi Boonyaratklin, but was, in fact, saved just in time.”
He is currently on the Advisory Board of the International Crisis Group (ICG); a member of the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York; He was nominated by the Royal Thai Government and endorsed by ASEAN Leaders to be ASEAN Secretary-General for year 2008- 2012.”

Mechai Viravaidya
Yet another high ranking Yellow Revolutionary. The BBC quoted Senator Mechai Viravaidya as saying, "I'm delighted he's gone," in reference to Thaksin.
He received money and an award from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for his work on family planning which saw one of the most rapid declines in fertility in modern history. He also received the UN population award and was appointed UNAIDS Ambassador. As head of Thailand's largest NGO, he is not alone in coming out in support of nationalists as the vast majority of Thai NGOs are funded by the Thai government and support their funders in their opposition of the Red Movement.

General Prem Tinsulanonda
General Prem Tinsulanonda now serves as the Head of the Privy Council of the King of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej.”
Prem found himself named as a leading player in the Thailand political crisis of 2005-2006. Before and during the mass protest of Thaksin's supporters, the UDD, Thaksin started mentioning the name of Prem publicly. The UDD leaders harshly blasted Prem for meddling in politics, calling him by using a term of 'ammatya' or 'aristocrat', as a threat to democracy since he has never been democratically elected.”
General Prem Tinsulanonda was Chief Advisor to the CP Group., the largest business conglomerate in Thailand who have a business relationship with the Bush family, until he left after investigations started into financial irregularities. The Carlyle Group announced an acquisition of interests in CP Group for US$175 Million, and General Prem remains embroiled in accusations of financial irregularities as businesses including the Carlyle Group's CP Group continue to make donations to his foundations.


Many Western political, media and business leaders have called for a New World Order in recent years. Events in Libya clearly illustrate the undemocratic, deceptive and dictatorial nature of the U.N and the governments currently waging war on the oil rich State. The militaries of supposedly sovereign nations attack in coalitions under U.N command. Soldiers don't fight to defend their peoples, they fight for business conglomerates with desires of global hegemony.

It is said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Not seeing the whole picture can lead to a very bad and improper judgment. There are many articles available on Thailand's 'Color' Revolution. How many of them provide readers with a comprehensive knowledge, with the whole picture. The answer is, unfortunately; very few.

Is it because the Yellow Revolution was more subtle? Is it because those involved didn't suffer the same degree of horrific violence dealt out by the military to the Reds? Is it because those who write on the topic don't want people to know about the Yellow Revolution? Is it because those who write on the topic only want to continue to disseminate Sondhi's 'Finland Plot' as propaganda against Thais who want to have an elected Prime Minister? Only the writers themselves know the answers to these questions.

To what degree are Thais involved in Anglo-American Empire building? I don't know. Is the Yellow Revolution part of an Anglo-American geopolitical strategy? I don't know.

What I do know is that there is absolutely no doubt that any leader of any nation will have to deal with the world's superpower, regardless of their personal ambitions or position on the political spectrum. The Anglo-American empire will undoubtedly try to ensnare leaders in any given nation if it suits their geopolitical strategy.

Common men and women can not defend themselves against the behemoth of the Anglo-American Empire alone. One movement in one nation can not defeat it. The common man and women will, in most instances, not even be able to identify the Empire due to its' sophisticated methods of working in the dark and employing traitors against the nation to do its' work.

The only thing the common man and woman can do is to be judge. Every individual is judge and they have the jurisdiction to apply moral law. In Thailand's case judges must pass moral judgement on the Reds and the Yellows. Every individual must judge the morality of Article 112, the morality of Buddhists who claim to have no worldly possessions fighting over a small piece of land, the morality of democracy, the morality of violence, the morality of honesty. Judge and decide, not on which punishment to hand out, but on whether or not you're going to participate and if you're not going to participate, then how you are going to defend yourself when you are forced to participate.

The reader must use moral law to judge the leaders of each colour block. And while, as a general rule leaders tend to have a high propensity to be parasites, some may actually be more symbiotic than others. Pass judgement on which is morally superior.

notes from writer

Tony Cartalucci is partisan possibly under the employ of Sondhi

Much has been written on Thailand and it's red colour revolution by a US Marine based in Bangkok. Search through his site and you can't find the words PAD or Yellow in any articles. Is this because he is partisan, a devotee of Sondhi?

Tony praises nationalism

Tony has made some concessions e.g. 'others' later become medical workers etc. but can he concede on this?

Have the USA already been intervening in Thailand?

By Andrew Spooner Apr 22, 2011 8:43PM UTC
One important piece of information for those that think the USA shouldn’t intervene in Thai affairs – they already are and have been for decades. This intervention has always been on the side of the Thai military and the USA are quite clearly one of the Thai army’s biggest and closest supporters.
This military relationship between the USA and Thailand stretches back for decades. In fact, according to the US State Department’s own website, Thailand has been the single biggest beneficiary of US military training on earth.
Thailand has received U.S. military equipment, essential supplies, training, and assistance in the construction and improvement of facilities and installations for much of the period since 1950; since then more Thai have been trained under the International Military Education and Training (IMET) program than any other country. Over recent decades, U.S. security assistance included military training programs carried out in the United States and elsewhere. A small U.S. military advisory group in Thailand oversaw the delivery of equipment to the Thai Armed Forces and the training of Thai military personnel in its use and maintenance. As part of the mutual defense cooperation over the last 3 decades, Thailand and the United States have developed a vigorous joint military exercise program, which engages all the services of each nation and averages 40 joint exercises per year.

But what exactly have the US been “training” the Thai army to do? Stage coups, crush democracy, cluster bomb civilians and shoot and murder protesters?
The Thai Army has an appalling record of direct involvement in Thai politics and has been quick to use deadly violence against the very Thai citizens it is supposed to protect. The USA should, quite frankly, be ashamed of its close association with such a vicious institution. Or maybe too many interests converge  between the Thai military and the US government for the USA to care too much about ordinary Thais? And while unarmed Thais are being shot by US military-trained and equipped Thai soldiers any slippery US claim of “non-intervention” rings hollow.
Maybe it’s now time for the USA to cease its backdoor intervention in Thai politics?

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Warning Signs Over Old Siam

22nd April 2011

Tony supports imprisonment of decades for criticizing leaders 

(Thai) Land Destroyer continues to write deceptively on Thailand. It has become clear that there is a high probability they are an American intelligence outfit based in Thailand, the hub of South east Asia, most probably funded and supported by elements of the current regime. A high proportion of their reports provide accurate information on geopolitics in other parts of the world. This gives them legitimacy and allows them to be published on popular and genuine news websites such as infowars.com and activistpost.com . It is with this legitimacy that they can then slip their anti-democratic propaganda against Thais who are calling for an end to coups and military rule.

In their latest attack, 'Warning Signs Over Old Siam ', written in response to 'Tony Cartalucci; The Nail in the Coffin?', they have been forced to address Article 112 and the massacre of last year. In it they defend Article 112 and state their belief that it is justified for a government to use it's military against it's own people. They were also forced to cover the numbers of people killed last year and, unsurprisingly, try to absolve the Thai military of any involvement in the deaths. They also continue their insults against the impoverished people of Northern Thailand.

As the hub of South East Asia, Thailand is of enormous strategic importance for the Anglo-American Empire as it tries to encircle Russia and China. It should, therefore, be no surprise that Anglo-American operatives are currently engaged in a somewhat sophisticated information war on Thailand.

You may also be interested in America's official view of the Thai population courtesy of Webster Tarply and his analysis of declassified documents;

“Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US ... Interests,” 1974 ... effort by Kissinger and ... General Scowcroft provided a hit list of 13 countries for which they posited a “special US political and strategic interest” in population reduction or limitation. The list included ... Thailand ... Demographic growth ... was to be halted and ... reversed ... [as it] represented increased ... power for [Thailand]
23rd April 2011 

Weapons to be used against Kith and Kin again?
Tony states in 'Warning Signs over Old Siam';
"Another possible answer becomes apparent when delving into the military's "political opponents" which the WSJ article only eludes to."
Can you imagine an American defending the military being involved in politics in America? Surely, such a person would be slated across the full spectrum of American politics.
"there was a social component to Thaksin's activities aimed at not only undermining Thailand's establishment and culture, but entirely replacing it. This became more than evident after his ousting in 2006 when his red movement's official publications began frequently featuring stories of various historical monarchies being deposed and replaced by alternative systems of governance. Monarchies frequently featured within these publications include the ... It should be noted that each was replaced by a despotic system in many ways more tyrannical than the systems they sought to replace"
 I guess Tony would have liked America to remain under the rule of the British. If he hates republicanism so much, what would he like to see in America? King Obama?
"it is quite clear that the Thai military's recent show of strength is not merely attempting to use lese-majeste law to pressure their political opposition. They are responding to a foreign funded, globalist influenced, concerted attempt to remove entirely Thailand's laws, institutions, economic foundation, and even its history and culture."
If this is so, it should be very easy to find a quote from the army saying it is fighting a globalist plot to destroy the nation. I can't seem to find one. Is Tony just putting words in the mouth of the military which is on Thai TV more than the Prime Minister?
"Ensuing battles would kill 7 soldiers in an April 10, 2010 ambush, and ultimately 84 other people through a combination of gun battles, arson, and grenade attacks over the following weeks. However, despite the chaos and widespread damage caused by this second attempted "people's revolution," Thai troops were again able to restore order. While Thailand's 70 million people cringe in anticipation for a third round, recent military exercises may have been a show of readiness and willingness to do their job again."
Innocent bystanders, nurses, foreign journalists and many unarmed protesters are only 'other people'? Killed by?  The Reds? The military is ready to do it's job again? 
Would any American really believe the job of a military was to fight it's political opposition, it's own fellow citizens/subjects? Surely, such a person would be slated across the full spectrum of American politics.
"armies of faithful devotees ... peddling the empty dream of international democracy" 
I guess Tony thinks people should just accept the very full nightmare of dictatorship.
"Thais have a ... skepticism and distaste towards the circus that is modern "democracy." "
Have you got a poll on that Tony? Or is it just the nationalists that pay you? Nationalists who drop cluster bombs on Cambodia in a completely unnecessary war?
Now, I know why Tony is in Thailand. His beliefs are so anti-American his fellow countrymen can't abide his insane proselytizing.

Tony Cartalucci; The Nail in the Coffin?

The Nail in the Coffin?

21st April 2011

A critical response to the article 'Just a Lousy Journalist?' was quickly written by the Land Destroyer website's writers entitled 'Over the Target' within which it is claimed that their diatribes against the downtrodden people of Thailand who have had their elected leader deposed in a military coup and two subsequent leaders deposed in judicial coups have only been validated and vindicated . A closer look at the arguments they laid out in that article and other articles they put forward in support of it is needed to finally put the nail in their coffin.

Over the Target

It is claimed that I state “that globalist connections within the current Thai government are never mentioned.” In fact, I claimed that they were deliberately omitted as they went against the anti-Red polemic of Land Destroyer. Readers should question; Do they cite the political allegiances of Prem and the others? The fact that they are anti-Thaksin and anti-Red?

Thaksin and the Reds are of course two different entities.

It is claimed that nearly every "glaring omission Gerrard Winstanley's article accuses Land Destroyer of skipping past can be found” within previous articles on Land Destroyer.

Since when has two out of eight been nearly every? I guess it was since two plus two equals five. Even though they have previously mentioned Surin Pitsuwan and Mechai Viravaidya they have deliberately failed to mention their political allegiances and current political positions. They are, of course, vehemently anti-Thaksin and anti-Red. And, of course, they are striving to cling onto their undemocratic power. Let us not forget that Surin is the director of the Democrat Party which heads up the current unelected coalition government. He's also on the advisory board of the International Crisis Group, a fact omitted by Land Destroyer. The group so despised by them. The group they claim is fighting for Thaksin. Tony Cartalucci writes of his coup de grace citing the fact that he mentioned the current government being less of a threat to Thailand than Thaksin. The government which is currently clinging desperately onto power in the face of coming elections, intimidating the nation with military displays of power and whose opponents are charged with sedition. According to Tony, Surin's current political role and his extremely high rank within the ICG would result in a;

slower integration into the globalist collective, the immediate most unhinging threat is a third attempt at reinstalling Thaksin Shinwatra into power ...”

I apologise to readers for having to read such bizarre logic. Unfortunately, for Tony there is no coup de grace as he knowingly omitted a large portion of the truth.

Land Destroyer, who also goes by the pseudonym 'Insanity', again dismisses Wikileaks out of hand without a single thought for Private Bradley Manning despite their mentor Alex Jones having great sympathy for the unfortunate soul, who has suffered horrendous torture under the hands of the US government.

Not only did Land Destroyer fail to provide evidence that they covered glaring omissions including the role of the IMF, they only point out two. And, these two are not covered in a full an honest way, but rather a contrived and deceptive way.

The articles refereed to as supporting their argument included “Asian Economic Community by 2015”; “Thailand: Stage Set for Another Color Revolution”; “BBC's "Stark warnings over Thai emergency laws".

Let's look at them in turn.

Asian Economic Community by 2015

The criticism of this article is brief as it is just a repeat of what's above. They fail to mention Surin's position in the International Crisis Group and his position as director of the Democrat Party, which is currently in power and amending the electoral format in it's favour and against the favour of the opposition.

Chris Baker, a respected Bangkok analyst, said the amended system could boost Mr Abhisit's Democrats, the lead party in the governing coalition, but which has been comfortably beaten by pro-Thaksin parties in recent elections … Shifting seats from territorial to party list should favour them."
The people mentioned in my previous article are currently in the driving seat, and taking Thailand in the fast lane to a less desirable place. The fact that Land Destroyer knows about their involvements in international organisations, but fails to mention the domestic organisations they belong to only makes the case arguing that a deliberate and contrived omission was made by Land Destroyer even stronger.

BBC's "Stark warnings over Thai emergency laws"

The U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe and Thaksin's invite to attend one of their meetings is mentioned.

The Commission contributes to the formulation of U.S. Policy ...The Commission convenes public hearings and briefings with expert witnesses on OSCE-related issues ... meetings to address and assess democratic, economic, and human rights developments firsthand.”

So why is Thaksin's invite of any importance? This is a very brief analysis of this article as there is not much substance to it. Again, a favourite group of the author(s) is mentioned, the ICG. Again they deliberately omit Surin's high rank within the group.

Land Destroyer goes on; “If you are wondering why the globalists are so interested in Thaksin Shinwatra and the despoiling of Thailand via a communist "people's revolution,"”.

The role of communist rebels within the nationalist movement, their hatred of not only the Reds, but also elections and Cambodia has already been written on.

The BBC article, 'Stark Warnings Over Thai Emergency Laws' is refereed to as a pro-Red propaganda piece and yet it points the finger at Red terrorism providing only an unnamed source as proof. Who does this article really demonise?

Thailand: Stage Set for Another Color Revolution

This article deserves a little more scrutiny. Although many of the same bizarre untruths are merely repeated such as Thaksin being supported by his nemesis Surin and the ICG which he heads up in Thailand and the Red Movement being wholly Marxist and Maoist despite the evidently diverse component groups that make up the Reds. It does, however, come up with a novel accusation against the Reds. It claims the Reds are red because red is “a reflection of Thailand's neighbor Cambodia; ravaged by the Khmer Rogue (Red Khmer),”. Naturally, no supporting evidence is provided, just as none is provided for the claim that “Cambodia has long served as a staging ground and refuge for the UDD”. It goes on to claim that red represents blood in the streets and condemns international media for;

portraying the April/May 2010 violence as a one-sided massacre in an attempt to demonize Thailand as an authoritarian dictatorship, while Thaksin and his clique begin to gather protesters for a renewed campaign to seize power.”

A simple analysis of the number of heavily armed soldiers and police deployed against the number of protesters during the violent crackdowns and a comparison of the number of murdered civilians with murdered soldiers would clearly prove this one way or another. I urge readers to research themselves.

The article continues, “it certainly is not about democracy or social justice … It is about regime change in favor of a known globalist stooge”. The question which immediately springs to mind is; Which one? Prem, Ahbisit, Surin, Anand, Mechai or another one from within the Thai elite that we haven't discussed yet?

It continues,

Thaksin in turn, is currently represented by international lawyer Robert Amsterdam who is also simultaneously providing lobbying services for the UDD. This provides further evidence that Thaksin and the UDD are a packaged deal and not as "grassroots" as the mainstream media suggests.”

While lawyers are not generally well received universally and are the butt of many a joke, this joke seems to lack all trace of humour. The writers at Land Destroyer seem to have an obsession with Amsterdam! Amsterdam! Amsterdam! Why don't they stop mincing words and just call him Dr. Evil and photoshop a picture of him with his little finger perched on the edge of his lips?

I'm guessing that the absurdity is starting to bore readers so there's no need for the article to continue with this topic. But, a more serious topic must be covered before the article can conclude.

Unfortunately, the Monarchy has often been bought into play by Land Destroyer. Needless to say Article 112 has not. Neither have the military backed Yellow Shirts. The article speaks of how Thailand is following revolutionary movements from around the world who have also taken on a specific colour to identify themselves. What the article doesn't inform readers of is that the Yellow Shirt Movement which has been armed and rioted and wreaked havoc with military support preceded the Reds. The leaders of the Yellow Shirts such as Anand Panyarachun have already had their associations with globalist organisations made clear.

In conclusion it can be stated, after looking at who started the social unrest and who subsequently gained power that if anything, Thailand has suffered from a Yellow revolution. The regime change wanted by the Reds is from an unelected to an elected government. It is clear that Land Destroyer doesn't trust the Thai people, especially the northerners who he accuses of being easily bought, to choose for themselves and agrees with the ex-communist-cum-nationalists that elections are evil.
I think that the nail in Land Destroyer's coffin has been secured. We are only left with questions.

Are they well-intentioned, but just very bad at research? Are they bizarre in their hatred of solar power which is written of as part of Thaksin plot? Why do they not comment on the injustices of the Thai government sending troops up against their own kith and kin? Why do they have no words of compassion for the unfortunate people, including the soldiers, who died or lost loved ones – Red or Yellow? Why do they think Prachatai is in the wrong when Executive Director Chiranuch Premchaiporn potentially faces 82 years in jail for simply having third party comments on her site?

Tony Cartalucci; Just a Lousy Journalist?

18th April 2011

Tony Cartalucci
Tony Cartalucci has written prolifically on the political turmoil in Thailand. His writing focuses on the International dimension; the foreign interference in Thailand. While there is no doubt that no nation is an island and foreign groups with their own agendas interfere in all nations for their own personal ends, Tony has been very selective in which foreign groups he writes on, what their intentions are and who they work with in Thailand. I write now to expose some of the glaring omissions he has purposefully made and encourage you to ask; What groups does this foreigner in Thailand belong to and what is his agenda?
I have been aware of his work for a year now. It started with the tragic events in Bangkok. Protesters were gunned down, soldiers died too, and foreign journalists, nurses and emergency workers were killed too, even delivery boys going about their business were gunned down. Tony, in his article 'Thailand's Thaksin Shinwatra, Marxists, and the NWO', immediately highlighted the incontestable facts that the ousted Prime Minister Thaksin had worked with the Carlyle Group.
He writes of the protesters as 'ignorant', 'programmed' and 'conditioned with Maoist/Marxist techniques', a 'mob' of 'communists' and 'terrorists' who will turn Thailand into a 'corporate fascist bloc' and have it rolled into ASEAN. 'Dupes' and 'stooges' led by Thaksin who is in turn led by Western Imperialists. It's important to point out at this juncture that the red in the Thai Flag represents the Thai people. This is why they have chosen to be a Red Movement, it is not a left wing movement, it encompasses all of the common people of Thailand.
Over the period of a year he continued along the same vein and added further incontestable facts to his writing. Thaksin was in the Council on Foreign Relations. The International Crisis Group has worked in Thailand, as has Freedom House and The National Endowment for Democracy. He has also continued with his nationalist ideological writing, praising the currently unelected government and Thai nationalists, while condemning all that they condemn with a fierce and violent passion; Highlighting some realities in Thailand such as the lax approach to enforcing Intellectual Property rights to essential drugs, which can not honestly be attributed to any political faction, and attributing them to the nationalists.
What follows is not so much a defence of the Red Movement, it's purpose is to provide a clearer and truer picture of the situation in Thailand. A response to the nationalist demagoguery of Tony Cartalucci's contrived and deceptive polemic.
Perhaps, we should start with some glaring omissions.

Anand Panyarachun
Anand Panyarachun is a former Thai Prime Minister, a regular speaker at anti-Thaksin and anti-Red rallies. He was also a member of the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board. He, however, remained on the board for three years more than Thaksin, who left in 2001. Anand only left when the board was disbanded in 2004. He supported the military coup which ousted Thaksin and was surprised that the international community condemned it. He has sat with George W. Bush at the Global Leadership Foundation. Advised GE and AIG. Is a member of the CFR, UNICEF. The list goes on and on.
And so, the first questions arises; Who is more intimately linked with Western interests? Who is 'handled by Globalist Masters'? Why was Anand surprised by international condemnation of the coup?

Surin Pitsuwan
Surin Pitsuwan is another opponent of Thaksin and a 2006 coup supporter. “This, in a nutshell, is former Thai foreign minister Surin Pitsuwan's analysis of recent political upheavals that plagued his country. Speaking at an 'Asian Voices' seminar in Brussels, Belgium, the director of Thailand's Democratic Party believed that democracy did not die in the coup led by army general Sonthi Boonyaratklin, but was, in fact, saved just in time.”
He is currently on the Advisory Board of the International Crisis Group (ICG); a member of the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York; He was nominated by the Royal Thai Government and endorsed by ASEAN Leaders to be ASEAN Secretary-General for year 2008- 2012.”

Mechai Viravaidya
Yet another high ranking opponent of Thaksin who supported the 2006 coup. The BBC quoted Senator Mechai Viravaidya as saying, "I'm delighted he's gone,"
He received money and an award from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for his work on family planning which saw one of the most rapid declines in fertility in modern history. He also received the UN population award and was appointed UNAIDS Ambassador. As head of Thailand's largest NGO, he is not alone in coming out in support of nationalists as the vast majority of Thai NGOs are funded by the Thai government and support their funders in their opposition of the Red Movement.

General Prem Tinsulanonda
General Prem Tinsulanonda now serves as the Head of the Privy Council of the King of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej.”
Prem found himself named as a leading player in the Thailand political crisis of 2005-2006. Before and during the mass protest of Thaksin's supporters, the UDD, Thaksin started mentioning the name of Prem publicly. The UDD leaders harshly blasted Prem for meddling in politics, calling him by using a term of 'ammatya' or 'aristocrat', as a threat to democracy since he has never been democratically elected.”
General Prem Tinsulanonda was Chief Advisor to the CP Group., the largest business conglomerate in Thailand who have a business relationship with the Bush family, until he left after investigations started into financial irregularities. The Carlyle Group announced an acquisition of interests in CP Group for US$175 Million, and General Prem remains embroiled in accusations of financial irregularities as businesses including the Carlyle Group's CP Group continued to make donations to his foundations.

Abhisit Vejjajiva
The current Prime Minister of Thailand, Abhisit Vejjajiva, was named 'one of 100 Global Leaders for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in 1992. In 1998 he became Knight Grand Cordon of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand and in 1999, Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant. He became unelected Prime Minister of Thailand in 2008.
Above are a just a few influential Thai people with links to the same organisations as Thaksin, and more. Tony Cartalucci accuses these organisations of being foreign bodies interfering in Thailand's domestic politics via Thaksin and the Red Movement.
Again the questions arise; Who is more influenced by these foreign interests? Why does Tony only highlight Thaksin's links and not the links of the enormously powerful and influential opponents of Thaksin?

Omission of the IMF
Tony Cartalucci has stated that “Thailand's answer to the IMF, and globalization in general was profound in both implications as well as in its understanding of globalization's end game.” He credits anti-IMF policies to Thaksin's opposition and fails to mention that;

Thailand was a severely compromised democracy by the time Thaksin won the 2001 election on an anti-IMF platform. In his first year in office, he inaugurated three heavy spending programmes that directly contradicted the IMF edicts: a moratorium on farmers' existing debt, along with facilitating new credit for them; medical treatment for all at only 30 baht (less than a dollar) per illness; and a one million baht fund for every district to invest as it saw fit.

These policies did not bring on the inflationary crisis that the IMF and conservative local economists expected. Instead they buoyed the economy and cemented Thaksin's massive support among the rural and urban poor.This was the 'good' side of Thaksin.”
Thailand now has IMF debt increasing under Abhisit. Paying off this debt will inevitably result in less public spending and higher taxes. New taxes are also being introduced such as the Land Tax which is currently going through parliament.
The IMF has recently praised Thailand under Thaksin's opposition for giving public money to private companies.
Asia Times noted before the 2006 coup that “Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was elected in 2001 on a strongly populist economic platform now widely referred to as Thaksinomics. Since that time, Thaksin's populist policies have succeeded in producing rapid economic growth. The only factor that could derail Thailand's economy is the remote risk of social instability.”
The question has to asked; Were the IMF instrumental in creating this social instability that came about with the advent of the Yellow Shirts who preceded the Red Movement?

American Involvement?
It's interesting to note the events that led up to the final massacre at Ratchaprasong. RSO Randall Bennet from the US Embassy at an on-line meeting wrote,
"If anything, the Army has been extremely patient and while being attacked by Red-Shirts with lethal weapons, has responded with rubber bullets to minimize casualties. The Army has not been the aggressor in this case."
On the Sunday morning US Assistant Secretary of State Kurt M. Campbell met Thai government officials and Red Movement leaders. He said that he strongly supported the government and urged the Reds to follow the government's recommendations.
By the afternoon the Thai government stated that it had a secretive new plan to disperse the Reds.
On the Monday morning Thai and US governments were distanced by a report published in Thai newspapers.
On the Thursday evening The New York Times interviewed Seh Deang where he was shot by a sniper after which a barrage of bullets entered the protest site killing and wounding many unarmed protesters and culminating in the end of the two month protest calling for fresh elections to replace an unelected government.

It's also interesting to note the presence of Americans, such as Michael Yon, at the protest telling the protesters to give up and go home.
After some shooting started, this guy with weapons T-shirt and a firework stopped me and asked me to email him his photo. Interesting that part of his email address was "M203," which is a 40mm grenade launcher similar to M79. I emailed him a photo and asked him to go home.”

Who is Tony Cartalucci?
Tony Cartalucci doesn't reveal much about himself beyond being a Bangkok based writer. Further information on him can only be deduced from his writing or gleaned from the comments sections of his articles.
According to various comments, if they are to be believed, he has been a US Marine and conscientious objector;
while I was in the Marine Corps - I never killed children, nor anyone not armed. Eventually, when I woke up, I refused orders and spent a month in solitary confinement in defense of my convictions. I am not proud of what I did as a Marine and I have dedicated my life to make reconciliation for what I've done.”
By looking at his writings and the reader's comments we can deduce that he is an American living in Thailand, supporting the Thai Nationalists.

Thailand's Nationalists
Thai Nationalists have completely dismissed Wikileaks as a whole. This may be due to the fact that leaks purported to reveal that some nationalists planned on killing dozens of their own followers in order to gain sympathetic support and demonise the Red Movement. Other leaks placed the spotlight on the nationalist leadership committing Lese Majeste.
The Thai Patriots Network have ex-communists within their ranks and have called for an uprising against elected governments as a whole along with an invasion of Cambodia to seize Angkor Wat.
Elected politicians create more economic and social problems, and more threats to people’s freedom, … ‘We must stand up and be united. On the day that we mobilize our people, we have to come out in full force. Soldiers, police, and government officials should stand up for the good of the country. When the day comes, everyone must come out to make changes ourselves. We have to cooperate and help ourselves first, and angels and gods will help us.'
The current government is now paying communist rebels 500 million THB, fulfilling a promise given by General Prem Tinsulanonda.
Despite communists morphing into nationalists, government supporters morphing into government opposers and all of the constant change in Thai loyalties they still seem to remain loyal to American money. Tony Cartalucci states that;
Abhisit's “government … has been steadily distancing itself from free-trade with the US, ignoring US calls to enforce “intellectual property,” and pursuing a more protectionist policy in regards to the West and its unraveling economy.”
The hyperlink he provides is four years old and Thailand has always been lax on intellectual property rights regardless of whether leaders were elected, unelected, military juntas or even Thaksin himself. I wonder if Tony noticed that the article he linked to told of how Thaksin's unelected predecessors were working directly with the Clinton Foundation. Perhaps not. Be assured though, if Thaksin was in anyway involved with the foundation, it would have been labelled an untrustworthy New World Order foundation.
Regardless of whether or not the Clinton Foundation is good or evil, the fact remains that Tony's point is contrary to this more recent article highlighting closer free-trade links with the US;

Article 112
Thai Nationalists naturally claim to love their royal family and illustrate their love by accusing people of Lese Majeste, and even sedition. Article 112 of the Thai Constitution protects royalty from criticism and insult. The Lese Majeste law could see those whose body language is deemed to be insulting to Thai Royalty imprisoned for decades. Cases of Lese Majeste have increased by 13,000% since the 2006 coup, and internet censorship and monitoring has also increased enormously most probably due to the movement against Article 112, which is currently growing exponentially.

Just a Lousy Journalist?
This article has only skimmed the surface of the situation in Thailand. It could continue indefinitely, but this writer presumes that enough evidence has been presented to readers. It concludes that Tony Cartalucci's writing on Thailand can not be trusted as objective descriptions of western interference in Thailand. They are, in fact, polemics against Thaksin and the Red Movement within which he presents carefully selected facts to suit a partisan argument against a section of the Thai people who have genuine grievances against their establishment. Those readers who believe in a New World Order hell bent on global corporate rule and depopulation may wish to continue research into such things as live Polio vaccines being administered by the current regime in a country that hasn't had a case of Polio for over 50 years. Or, perhaps the lax approach the regime has towards drinking water, including bottled water, being unfit for consumption due to the high levels of fluoride and other pollutants.
And remember what Roosevelt alluded to, human history has always seen the rich and powerful taking advantage of the poor and the weak and they killed whole swaths of people before the word eugenics was ever dreamt up.
In regards to Tony Cartalucci, who seems only to parrot what Thai members of the ICG, CFR and other globalist organisations say, it is suggested that if he is so concerned with foreign interference in Thailand, maybe he should consider stopping his own interference and stop his association fallacies.